78 Midnight Howls

Magic, divination and life in one place.

Sunday 25 October 2015

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The Vampire tarot spread

The aspect of vampirism has long lived in the minds of men.  Was it for  the fear that it mostly brought, or was it for the aspect of unimaginable that was so attracting. Eater way, the power and expression that was given to them was immense. They had their strenghts and weaknesses. By the legend of Vampyre this spread was created. Conecting you with your inner Vampyre and giving you ways of understaning and accepting.   

1.  Fangs: How does this situation affects me.  Look for the possible solution  in this card.
2. Blood: What gives life to the situation. What keeps it going.
3. Victim: How do you fit into this situation.
4.  The Vampyres reflection:  Things that aren't visible. Hidden aspects.
5. Sun: Things that will help you deal with situation. Look for possible solution to the situation in this     card. 
For a personal reading click here! 

Saturday 24 October 2015

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House of fright spread

Haunted houses have became an attraction these days. They are a place to go and feel spooky and have a little fun. But in reality real hounted houses with malicious spirits are rearly becoming an attraction for masses. With this spread however we don't call upon any malicious sprits we siply travel throught the witches house. This haunted house protects the ones who come in respect and ask nicely, and for those who are rude Witches always find fitting punishment. 
For a personal reading click here!

1. The pumpkin patch- Things that we have harvested. Things that we have changed in order for them to fit our desires.
2. Werewolf in the Front yard- Person or a situation that has made us change in a way that may not be in alignment with our higher self.
3. Vampire in the Living room- Person or situation that is draining us of our energy.
4. Ghost in the corner- Ancestors message to us.
5. Black cat on the stairs- Who will be of help to us at the moment. Your familiar.
6. Bloody corpse in the bedroom- Things that we are trying to leave behind, but we are unable to make peace with them.
7. Skeleton in the closet- Things, thoughts, or emotions  that we have suppressed.
8. Zombie in the Play room- Things that rise from the past to hount us.
9. Witch in the Attic- Showing us how we can aply our knowlidge.  Teacing us how we can gain control of our lives.  How we can start on the path of finding our authentic selves.

10. Owl on the window-  Leason that we are learning or a leason that we are about to learn. 

Wednesday 21 October 2015

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Hexa spread 

What can I say about them... Witches are beautiful, smart, and extremely magical.
Witches have been on this earth since the begining of time. Their power is strong, their knowlidge is great , and they are ready to share it with you right now.  
Each being that exists has the power to create.  This spread talks about arcane aspects of each witch.  A witch is conscious about that ability and uses it. As a creator, witch taps into pure potential in order to manifest what she desires. 
  Change is a natural part of our lives and witches are no strangers to it.
 Many will see change as destruction but it never hurts anyone it can only ever bring new opportunity to create. Being authentic should be natural to us but becouse the way we are rased, our authenticity is suppressed. Discovering the path to our unique soul is a gift that witches gladly share.  
In many cultures witches have been feard  and resented, for their ability to cast spell and make potions. 
They have been judged as killers. One who knows a witch, knows that she is no killer she is a healer.  All the herbs in the world will not help you if there isn't the right intention behind them.
 A a witch has both, she knows the art and the craft. To know your surroundings is the greatest power you can ever get. Being the one intuned with Mother nature will give you all the knowlidge  and craft you need in order to walk your path authenticly. 

If you want to get a special Halloween reading with this or any other spreads Click here

1. Combiner:  Creativity aspects. Expressions and blockages.  How do you find balans in your creative expression.
2. Creator: Your purest potential.
3.  Destryer:  Letting go. Aspects that you easely let go and aspects that stick with you.
4.  Traveler: Purest expression of your soul.
5. Healer: How do you heal the world around you.  Depicts your healing ability. How you heal yourself.
6. The one that curses: How do you teach and inspire others.
7. Natures voice: In which way do you express  your soul. 

If you want to get a special Halloween reading with this or any other spreads Click here!!!